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A member registered 94 days ago

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how do you unlock the locks

i just opened the game never heard or seen anything about the game but the intro alone i can tell this game is gonna hit my feels

what does affection do does it make it easier to date that person or does it build trust

(1 edit)

one of my favorite routes for sure dude ah shish kabobs the water works started up again such a good story

i made an account just for this but i did every route but dozer and spencer and i finished spencers 2 days ago and i keep crying about how sweet the ending and epouloge is and the fact they where best friends for so longg and always loved echother really made me sob cause its so damn sweet spencer is such a good boy with his colar and i normally dont cry about vn or sad stuff or just cry in general but you wrote spencer so good and after i finished the route a saw a video about them just laying down and it made it so much worse its just such a sweet and heart warming route i cant help but sob so hard